Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Mgmt 4440 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Mgmt 4440 - Essay Example performance management lies in the fact that it helps distinguish between employees who are active and those who are actually working and motivates the former to be more like the latter, thus improving the overall performance in the organization. Also, when a customer is rewarded adequately for good work (whether monetarily or through promotions), they are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs, thus increasing the company’s retention rate. Also, it helps align the organization’s activities and the efforts of the employees with the goals of the organization. Employees are more engaged in their work. They look to take on more challenging assignments and enjoy working at their workplace, motivated to achieve the best that they can. This also results in timely and high quality work by the organization in turn. From the employee’s perspective, he / she has greater motivation to work in that organization. An employee who performs well has motivation to continue doing so and an employee who is slacking off is motivated to perform better when they see a coworker being rewarded. Performance management also drives employees to become responsible for their individual performances and drives a better employee experience in the organization. It makes employees strive for greater success and makes them more conscientious of their work. The statement ‘Business is behavior’ refers to the need for organizations to adopt a behavioral approach to management systems. This is due to the huge gap between an organization’s technical competence and the performance of their employees due to a poor understanding of social skills (Rana 2). Simply put, unless an organization succeeds in promoting positive work behavior and decreasing instances of negative work behavior among employees, it will never be able to actualize its potential no matter how well it boosts its other capabilities. Its success in business is limited by the least progressive factor which is often

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Managing people Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing people - Article Example To determine a team's effectiveness, it is necessary to take a look at a variety of factors as well. These include the type of organization, type of employee (volunteer or compensated), the objectives of the stakeholders and the personalities that are involved at all levels. Evaluating the team's effectiveness at XYZ Newspapers, Inc., it is possible to identify several key management theories at work even as the team represents several positive and some negative aspects of effective team operation. XYZ Newspapers is a small newspaper chain specializing in small town, local news coverage. As a result, teams are primarily independent of each other, only finding it necessary to coordinate efforts on sporadic larger advertising campaigns or weekly print operations. Occasionally, it becomes necessary for one team member from one office to assist in another office when another team member is ill or on holiday or when several significant events are occurring in one town, such as a heavy sports weekend. Although most team members are compensated to some degree, some are compensated on a contributor basis while others are considered actual employees, paid at a part-time or full-time rate. Because of the unique service these newspapers provide, they are also often considered to be community service to some extent although they are for profit businesses. Frequently, because of budgeting concerns, members of the communities in which the papers operate are recruited to provide voluntary se rvices as well. Team Organization Each team is similar to the others in that they are comprised of typically two 'news' writers, one 'sports' writer, one photographer, two advertising sales representatives and one copy setter. In this particular team, one of the 'news' writers is also the newspaper's editor while the other serves as community representative. This enables the team to work along a loose universal management approach in that many of the job functions are decided based upon the individual's specific position within the team with a built in chain of command that flows from the copy setter at the bottom of the rank to the editor at the top. However, the hierarchy among the other workers becomes somewhat blurred as each works to complete their assignments for the week. Work is divided by job description within this team. For example, while the editor and the community representative are both classified as 'news' writers, the editor is primarily responsible for covering any business or civil news occurring in the town that week, such as city meetings or regional legislation. The community representative, on the other hand, is often most responsible for ensuring news involving various community groups, outstanding individuals or major community events is covered. The copy setter typically works primarily for these two writers as news releases, calendars and police and fire reports come across her desk first. The sports writer typically has no other responsibility than ensuring all sports events are covered, yet must also ensure adequate coverage is given to all sports and pages